Intrinsic Books

Intrinsic Books

Digital Books for teachers & learners

Intrinsic Books

Digital Books for teachers & learners

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The Kite Sailor
A magical, beautifully illustrated story about the environment, a girl, Chilli and her friend Bobak the polar bear. A story that will capture the imagination of the reader with illustrations to prompt reflection and discussion.
After Chilli’s friend
Bobak the bear, goes missing, Chilli finds herself propelled into space, on route to an awesome new planet.
She has a strange inkling she might find Bobak there, and begins her mission to find out if he is . Along the way she pushes herself to the limit, making new friends with robots and encountering other strange creatures, climbing mountains, swimming in blue seas and balancing along gigantic dams.

Intrinsic Books digital edition: £7.95 ($9.95)