We have a range of digital books published by Solution Tree & Marzano Research:

Solution Tree delivers comprehensive professional development to schools and districts around the world. Solution Tree has empowered K–12 educators to raise student achievement through a wide range of services and products including educator conferences, customized district solutions for long-term professional development, books, videos, and online courses. Last year, more than 25,000 educators attended Solution Tree events on professional learning communities, RTI, assessment, and other topics.

Click on a book cover to buy the Kindle edition of each book.

Formative assessment plays an important role in increasing teacher quality and student learning when it’s viewed as a process rather than a tool. Emphasizing the instructional side of formative assessment, this book explores in depth the use of classroom questioning, learning intentions and success criteria, feedback, collaborative and cooperative learning, and self-regulated learning to engineer effective learning environments for students.

Kindle edition: £18.99

Teach students essential skills with engaging activities. Explore key reasoning skills and strategies for teaching them to students. Then, discover fun, research-based games and activities to reinforce students’ reasoning skills. This practical text provides clear guidance for incorporating these tools into your classroom to prepare students for academic and lifetime success.

Kindle edition £25.60

Make direct vocabulary instruction fun and successful with this simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use book. Hundreds of critical vocabulary terms covering four content areas and different levels. Each game identifies the appropriate subject area, as well as whether or not the students should already be familiar with the vocabulary.

Kindle edition £25.60

Just as successful athletes must identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and engage in focused practice to meet their goals, so must teachers. Learn how to combine a model of effective instruction with goal setting, focused practice, focused feedback, and observations to improve your instructional practices. Included are 280 strategies related to the 41 elements of effective teaching shown to enhance student achievement.

Kindle Edition £20.60

Ensure students develop the argumentation and critical-thinking skills they need for academic and lifetime success. Discover 10 fun, engaging activities and games for teaching argumentation. Incorporate these tools into your instruction to help students develop their ability to present and support claims, distinguish fact and opinion, identify errors in reasoning, and debate constructively.

Kindle Edition £25.60

This book is a comprehensive and practical guide for reconnecting with discouraged students and reawakening their excitement and enthusiasm for learning. With proven strategies from the classroom, the author identifies five effective processes you can use to reawaken motivation in students who aren’t prepared, don’t care, and won’t work. These processes include emphasizing effort, creating hope, respecting power, building relationships, and expressing enthusiasm.

Kindle Edition £13.55

Move students from simply memorizing content to making meaningful connections. More than 200 user-friendly exercises show you how to help students develop many of the valuable critical and creative thinking skills that have been identified by educators as essential, including questioning, classifying, inferring, and predicting. The exercises can be given to students as part of a social studies or self-development course.
No Kindle edition available yet

Prompt students to become the sophisticated readers, writers, and thinkers they need to be to achieve higher learning. The authors explore the important relationship between text, learner, and learning. With an array of methods and assignments to establish critical literacy in a discussion-based and reflective classroom, you’ll encourage students to find meaning and cultivate thinking from even the most challenging expository texts.

Kindle Edition £16.97
