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  • English for Specific Academic
  • Purposes: Proceedings of the 2009
  • BALEAP Conference

This volume consists of a selection of papers from the Biennial Conference of the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP) held at the University of Reading in the Uk in 2009. The papers reflect various aspects of the conference theme, 'English for Specific Academic Purposes'. The three plenary papers each provide a differing research perspective on specificity, a notion described here by Ken Hyland as 'the most central concept in language teaching and discourse analysis today'. Within the conference papers, some writers consider specificity of language use within particular subject disciplines and text types; others describe working with subject tutors to develop teaching materials; a further group focuses on aspects of specificity within EAP assessment. The papers together provide an insightful picture of current issues relating to the teaching, learning and assessment of English for Specific Academic Purposes.